NYWBA Invites Magnolia Levy to Lead Panel and Publish Article on Prenuptial Agreements
The Matrimonial and Family Law Committee of the New York Women’s Bar Association invited Magnolia D. Levy, a partner in the Matrimonial Department, to put together a program on prenuptial agreements for its December 2012 meeting. Titled “The Art of The Prenuptial Agreement: Construction & Destruction”, the evening was moderated by Ms. Levy and was designed to generate a high level, academic colloquy. The program featured The Honorable Laura E. Drager, one of New York County’s Matrimonial Part Justices, Eric Wrubel, a partner in the Matrimonial Department of McLaughlin & Stern, LLP, and Laurie S. Ruckel, a partner in the Trusts and Estates Department at Loeb & Loeb, LLP. Each panelist brought a different perspective to the table and the program evolved into a spirited round-table discussion amongst the panelists and the audience. Ms. Levy was invited to publish an article based upon the program for the NYWBA January 2013 newsletter.
NYWBA Invites Magnolia Levy to Lead Panel and Publish Article on Prenuptial Agreements